Annual Charity Superbowl Raffle
A traditional Superbowl raffle with the scores at the end of each quarter or game determining the winners - 4 possible.
Each square costs $100 with the potential to win $4000 and to contribute to local charitable activities.
How It Works
This fund raiser is modeled after a traditional 10x10 grid pool. There are 100 chances on each board.
On Saturday, February 11th, 2024 100 participants names will be drawn from a hat and placed on the grid in order starting at the top left and working across rows and then down to the next row. Numbers are assigned on each axis of the grid randomly. The NFC team would be on one axis, the AFC team on the other. The numbers are assigned on a RANDOM basis (we draw them from a deck of cards). It would end up looking something like this:
Your numbers will change at the beginning of each quarter. We pay out $1,000 per quarter. The final $1,000 will be paid at the FINAL score of the game – this would include overtime.
In the above example, the NFC is at the top of the grid and the AFC is to the left of the grid. The numbers represent the last number of each team’s score. If you are participant #1, your numbers would be 3 for NFC and 2 for AFC. If, at the end of the quarter, the AFC leads the NFC by a score of 12-3, you would win the quarter because you have AFC 2 and NFC 3.
At the end of each quarter, if your team’s numbers matched the score you would win $1,000.
You could potentially win $4,000.
Please click below for more information to enter the raffle: